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Sermon: Love From Above
Ron Fryson
How do you define “love”? Dictionaries, romance novels, movies and songs have tried, but all seem to come up short. It’s something we all want, but can’t seem to grasp the true definition of. As always, there is one source we can trust to give us the deepest, most accurate meaning of the word love. That source is the word of God; the Bible. In our continuing series ”Love Letters”, we will explore the topic in a sermon called “Love From Above.”
Sermon: Can You Keep A Secret?
Pastor Nick Daleo
Do you think really God cares about you having good, solid friendships in your life? Isn’t God too busy with other stuff to be concerned if I have close friends or not? Of course not! After all, Jesus while He was here walking on this earth had several close friends. Friends that He spent most of His time with. Friends that He shared up’s and down’s with. Even friends that He confided with. So yes, God cares about your friendships. Let’s look at the example of how Jesus treated and acted with His close friends.
Sermon: Myth Busters
Pastor Nick Daleo
Myths are usually a story passed down from generation to generation. Most of the time they’re used to put fear into someone about a situation that is either blown out of proportion or not really true at all. Mostly for fun. What happens when the world will have you believe two huge myths that can have an impact on your faith and your life, for generations to come? Find out in this week’s sermon “Myth Busters”.
Sermon: Surprise Party
Pastor Nick Daleo
The story of the thief on the cross doesn’t line up with a lot of neat theological systems that we put the gospel into. This thief who has just been rewarded with the promise of paradise, straight from the lips of Jesus himself, doesn’t fit into any gospel box that we or better yet religion has created. For Jesus, this man’s simple statement and the acknowledgment of who He was, was sufficient enough for him to be in paradise with Jesus that day. Jesus is the only one who is mighty to save.
Sermon: The Unfair Gospel
Tom Brady
So many of us call ourselves Christians and live a good Godly life, but do you know who the Father is? Is it actually possible to be a Christian but not know who the Father is? Some feel that people don’t deserve heaven because of their actions, but what does Jesus say? Find out as we dive into the second half of Jesus’ Parable of the Prodigal Son.
Sermon: What Would It Look Like?
Pastor Nick Daleo
What would it look like if we did church different? That church is a place for people to come and have an encounter with Jesus. What would it look like to reach multiple nations and shake foundations with the good news of Jesus Christ? These are questions that were behind the planting of Proving Ground Church. As PGC celebrates our 4 year Anniversary, we look back and give all glory, honor and praise to God for what He has done in this church! God has been so good! God is moving at PGC and we have exciting things coming! Missions that include partnering internationally with a church and national and local organizations that are are taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the world! Check out the full sermon as we celebrate together, all that the Lord has done!
Sermon: You're All Invited
Pastor Nick Daleo
If you were throwing a party, who would be on your invitation list? And for those who were invited, what would be your requirements for them to show up? A certain type of clothing? Maybe a happy attitude. Maybe even bring a certain type of gift. That would be a self-serving party now wouldn’t it? What if I told your there was an event so big that everyone was invited, and yes, I mean every living person. Also, there are no rules to come. No hoops to jump through. Nothing special to wear and no gifts to bring. Join us this week to hear about this amazing event that “You’re All Invited” to.
Sermon: Hope for The Here and Now
Pastor Nick Daleo
What comes to mind when you think of the word hope? Hope is usually associated with something coming up in the future; that you’re hoping for something. Or maybe hoping for an outcome of something. What about some hope for right now? We can all use some hope for the here and now more than anything. Find out from the prophet Zechariah how you and I can have hope for the future, but also have hope for the here and now.
Sermon: Be Encouraged Today!
Pastor Nick Daleo
How many of you can use some encouragement today? What if being encouraged and getting our priorities straight in life can put us on the road to success? Not success by earthly standards but by God’s standards?  What if in this season God has amazing Kingdom work to be done, but you just don’t see yourself being a part of it? What if Gods word can lift you out of that discouragement season you’re in and set you back on the right path? Don’t just take my word for it, here from the word of God in this sermon through the prophet Haggai and get ready for God to move in your life.
Sermon: God's Great Reaction
Pastor Nick Daleo
Do you ever wonder what’s behind peoples reactions to things? Some reactions to things are funny, sad, some confusion and so on. Did you ever think about God reacting to us? I mean, I’ve always felt for me that God has His hand on his forehead in disappointment. Is that really a true representation of God’s reaction to us or is there another? In this sermon titled “God’s Great Reaction” you will experience how God really reacts to His children. The result of His reaction is truly amazing.
Sermon: Complaint Department
Pastor Nick Daleo
What do you do if you feel you have a legitimate complaint to bring before God? Are we allowed to complain to God? After what He did for us in His son Jesus, do we really have the right to complain to God? Sure we do. There are plenty of examples throughout scripture that we see people complaining or bringing their grievances to God. What are we to do, when we bring them and don’t get or see the answer we want from God? How do we handle it and what do we do? Find out what the prophet Habakkuk did.
Sermon: Rock Bottom
Pastor Nick Daleo
Have you ever felt that you’re at your rock bottom? Maybe it’s the rock bottom of a situation or circumstance you just can’t deal with anymore. Perhaps you got yourself to this rock bottom by your own actions and choices. Being at the rock bottom is a sad and lonely place, so how do you get out of it? Well, here’s your first clue; you’re never alone. Even at the bottom. For the rest, you’ll have to join us in this sermon called “Rock Bottom.”
Sermon: What About Me God?
Pastor Nick Daleo
What about me God? It’s a question I’m sure we’ve all yelled out at some point in our life, right? You look around at others. Maybe see what they have. Maybe you see the cards they’ve been dealt in life and it doesn’t stack up to yours. But you, you go to church. You love Jesus. You do all the right stuff but God seems to take better care of those who don’t seem to deserve it. So you cry out, “what about me God?” As we finish up the book of Jonah, you’ll see how God responds to this question.
Sermon: Mysterious Ways
Pastor Nick Daleo
Have you ever noticed how sometimes God does some things in the most mysterious ways? Ways we will never understand. Why would God do things in our lives in mysterious ways? Why would God save Jonah by having a fish swallow him up for three days? Couldn’t the Lord have just saved him another way? A way we could better understand without so many questions involved? Of course God could have, but He didn’t. Find out why God moves in mysterious ways by joining us for this part two of the book of Jonah.
Sermon: Dealing With Emotions
Pastor Nick Daleo
Even though this was VBS Kids takeover Sunday, the lessons learned are some of the hardest things we still deal with in our everyday lives as adults. What do we do with things like Anger, Jealousy, Frustration and Sadness? How can we deal with those emotions better? Is there a solution that makes sense? Of course there is. Jesus is the answer to dealing with all of those things. Join us for this special message on what the bible says about dealing with our emotions.
Sermon: God's Purpose or Your Plans?
Pastor Nick Daleo
Nobody likes being told what to do. Especially when we’re told to do something we disagree with. This becomes an even bigger dilemma when you’re a follower of Jesus. So what does it look like to completely go against something God has called you to do? While the book of Jonah is normally a children’s story, today we see what it looks like when God’s purpose isn’t in your plans.
Sermon: What Comes Around...
Pastor Nick Daleo
You’ve heard the saying “What comes around goes around”, right? We always want people to get what’s coming to them. If we’re honest it makes us feel good, even just for a bit. Vengeance for someone who hurts you is a natural instinct. However, what if there is a more powerful way to deal with these feelings? What if God himself says He will take care of all the wrongs that were done to you or your family? Could we trust Him with that? Of course you can and today’s message found in the short book of Obadiah, will prove it.
Sermon: Can God Really Use Me?
Pastor Nick Daleo
Have you ever asked yourself the question, can God really use me? Or maybe the follow up question of why? Why would God choose to use me? Doesn’t God know my struggles? Doesn’t He realize I’m not perfect? Doesn’t He realize that I’m not professionally trained for this? If you’ve ever struggled with any of those questions, then you can identify with the prophet Amos. Let’s discover how he handled Gods calling on his life.
Sermon: The Foolproof Father
Pastor Nick Daleo
What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think about God? It’s a very important question. How you answer it could be the difference of how you live this life out. Is He an angry cosmic being? Is He a score keeper for your life, to judge how you’re doing? Maybe the reason we have a distorted view of our Heavenly Father, is because we compare Him to our earthy father. As earthly fathers we do our best, but we’ll never be like God. Join us for this special Father’s Day message titled, “The Foolproof Father”.
Sermon: Time To Wake Up
Pastor Nick Daleo
What is going to happen in the future? It’s a question that movies are made about, but in reality it’s a question we really can’t answer. The prophet Joel answers that question for the people of his day and for generations to come. The one truth you can predict about the future is that the day of the Lord is coming. Joel’s question to us is, are you ready? If you’re not, then this is your wake up call. For yourself and this nation, it’s time to wake up.
Sermon: Faith & Focus
Pastor Nick Daleo
All of us have someone in our lives that we can describe the relationship as “It’s Complicated”.  Hosea would most definitely have listed his relationships as complicated. Both with his wife and his family. God uses this complicated relationship as an example of His everlasting love for us. Proving that no matter where we try and run to or how complicated we make our relationship with God seem, He’s always there. He will always be there. He will never turn His back on us. He’s the rock we can always count on.
Sermon: Wise Guys (And Girls!)
Ron Fryson
What ever happened to wisdom? We live in the midst of an explosion of
information. Smart phones, computers, social media and AI make information
available at our fingertips 24 hours a day. Yet wisdom is at an all time low. Why?
Because while man can produce information at incredible rates, only God’s word
can give us the wisdom we need to live according to His will. Check out this final sermon in our series, “The Mountain Top.”
Sermon: Eye Exam
Ron Fryson
The old saying, “Seeing is believing” has a lot of truth to it. Many of our opinions,
beliefs, and points of view are shaped by what we see with our eyes. However,
many times our ability to judge and assess people or situations can be out of
focus. So, it’s wise to periodically have an “Eye Exam”, and make sure we are
seeing the world and the people around us the way Jesus does.
Sermon: Faith & Focus
Pastor Nick Daleo
Are you tired in living with worry? What is the thing you worry about the most? Family, money, marriage, health? Take your pick because everyone at some point struggles with worry. Jesus gives us a remedy for worry. It doesn’t make those things disappear in our lives but it is a game changer when navigating seasons of worry. Watch this powerful and special Mother’s Day sermon to see the two ingredients we all need to battle the worry in our lives.
Sermon: Acting Lessons
Pastor Nick Daleo
How good of an actor are you? Are you good enough to fool your friends? Your family? Your peers? When it comes to the things of God, He’s not in need of good actors. He more interested in a real relationship. In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus will point out some things that we’ve become real good at with our acting skills. After pointing them out, He will go on to show us how we should be acting in our lives.
Sermon: Setting the Standard
Nick Mueller
The idea of perfection is something we are all familiar with throughout the course of our lives. But we can never be perfect. In today’s sermon from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus sets the standard of righteousness by using 6 Old Testament laws. The important question today is; which standard will you choose to live your life by? The standards of the world or the standards illustrated by God?
Sermon: A Thriving Faith
Pastor Nick Daleo

Is it possible to take something like faith and continue to make it thrive? Or is faith a one shot deal for you? Do you say things like “yes I have faith but it’s not that strong”. Or have you said “my faith is not as good as others”. A strong faith takes work and nurturing. In this passage, Jesus gives us a quick way for us to gauge if our faith is in fact growing or just a stagnate faith. I don’t know about you but I want my faith to be a thriving faith, not another check box of things I believe in my life.
Sermon: Sunny & Salty Church
Pastor Nick Daleo

Did Jesus give us any idea of how to go about doing church? Well, of course He did, but boy have we gotten way off track. The church, and us personally, were given a very easy and specific way to operate. Yet we have clouded it all up with religious garbage. It’s time to get back to what Jesus intended for us and His church. Back to the basics. To be the salt and light of this earth.
Sermon: We Need To Do Better
Pastor Nick Daleo

The sermon on the mount is filled with short bursts of teachings straight from Jesus. These things should become part of your journey in faith as you grow and learn. They should shape the way you think, act and react. These things are also known as the Beatitudes. Why, because these things should be-your-attitude. This is week one of our sermon series called “Mountain Top”. Join us on this journey as we grow together in our faith with a whole new attitude.
Sermon: I Still Have Doubts
Pastor Nick Daleo

Is it ok to believe in Jesus and still have doubts? Absolutely, a resounding yes to that question. God can handle all your doubts. As a matter of fact, we should be a people who are challenged to bring our doubts to God’s word. When you learn to do that, you will come out on the other side of your doubts with a stronger faith. Join us for this special Easter sermon.
Sermon: What a Great Idea!
Pastor Nick Daleo

The Bible tells us that when Jesus rode into town on Palm Sunday, the whole city was stirred with excitement. They couldn’t believe Jesus was coming to town. They cheered, sang and celebrated. Five days after, they were nowhere to be found. As a matter of fact some even turned on Him and cheered for His death. What could have changed them that much in 5 days? Today we learn that most of the people cheering that day liked the idea of Jesus. Jesus doesn’t need more likes; He needs true followers.
Sermon: Noise, Noise, Noise
Pastor Nick Daleo

The effects of too much noise in our lives is staggering. We are bombarded constantly with noise, noise, and more noise. No matter the subject or situation, everyone’s got something to say and yell about. How do we distinguish what to listen to? What happens when all the noise goes against what your heart is telling you? Better yet what happens when all the noise is telling you one thing but the truth of Jesus says another? Join us for this sermon to learn that one will shout out at you while the others speaks meekly and show love.
Sermon: It's A Trap
Pastor Nick Daleo

No one likes being caught in a trap. Physically that’s a no brainer. But what about with your words? No one likes being pinned into a corner by someone else’s questions while we try and use our words to answer them. In this passage, Jesus gives a master class on how to answer when the world seems to keep trying to trap you with their rules, morals or demands. Jesus reminds the people of that day, as well as today’s readers, how to answer life’s questions when the trap has been set.
Sermon: My Stubborn Heart
Pastor Nick Daleo

If there’s one thing most of us have in common is that we all have some level of stubbornness in us. I know my level, so what’s yours? The problem is there are dangers and pitfalls when you have a stubborn heart. A danger that can prevent you from seeing some very important things in your life. Join us this week to learn about the stubbornness of the heart.
Sermon: What's in a Name?
Pastor Nick Daleo

What does your name mean to yourself or others? Does the mention of your name evoke happy feelings when mentioned or something else? What do you think the name of Jesus evokes from those that just hear His name? You would be surprised at some of the answers to that question. You would also be surprised that back in the time of Jesus they couldn’t answer that question so easily either. Find out this week what the real answer is to who is Jesus.
Sermon: A New View
Pastor Nick Daleo
Imagine being taught something your whole life that was passed down from generation to generation. Then someone comes along and revamps what you’ve always been taught. But this someone isn’t just anybody. It’s Jesus Christ the son of God. How would you have reacted? Also what do we do with what we’ve always been taught? Do we throw it away now? Have you always wondered what to do with the Old Testament? In this sermon you will hear straight from Jesus and what it all means and how it all works together.
Sermon: The Perks of Being Patient
Pastor Nick Daleo 
The evidence is overwhelming that we don’t live in a patient world anymore. Things come to us almost instantly at this point. So, what happens when it’s not in our hands and we do have to be patient? What happens when you’re waiting on God to do something in your life? As we finish out our series “Family Time” today, we look at a quick Psalm of David. What we will find together is that there are Perks to Being Patient.
Sermon: A Life on the Run
Pastor Nick Daleo 
We all know the story of Jonah in the belly of the whale. But did you ever consider the reason Jonah was on the run from God and found himself there? The answer will surprise you and help you to not run away from God in your own life. What we will learn through this sermon is that you can’t outrun God and that you will eventually wind up right where he wants you to be.
Sermon: You Are What You Eat
Ron Fryson
What’s your favorite food? Italian? Mexican? Meat & potatoes? From appetizers to desserts; everything we eat has the potential to strengthen or undermine our physical wellbeing. The same is true in the spiritual realm. We live in very trying times that require all the spiritual strength we can muster to stand firm in our faith. Daniel gave us a recipe for success when it comes to honoring God and taking a stand for righteousness. Let’s see what’s on the menu in God’s word!
Sermon: An Uncertain Future
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Are you worried about the future? Does the uncertainty of your future keep you up at night worrying and stressing out? Does the uncertainty of your future bring you anxiety? The funny thing about the uncertain future is that most of the things we worry about we can’t change anyway. Jesus gives us the remedy for this in the gospel of Matthew. Together, let’s see what Jesus, in His own words, has to say about our futures and how much we should be worrying about it.
Sermon: The Comparison Effect
Pastor Nick Daleo 
For many generations people have suffered from the comparison effect. They look at what others have and how others look and it has a negative effect on them. It can rob you of joy, it can cloud the way you think about yourself and ultimately it will steal your confidence and courage. Today’s generation suffers from it more than you can imagine. As always it was a problem in biblical times as well. Join us today for some family time as we look at both the old and the new testaments to see what God has to say about it.
Sermon: Break the Cycle
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Break the cycle of what, you may ask? The cycle of Generational Dysfunction. How many of us have been plagued by generational dysfunction and don’t even realize it. In this sermon, we look at someone who broke free from generations of family dysfunction. The key to how he did it, will open your eyes to a new freedom in your life.
Sermon: A Rhythm of Rest
Pastor Nick Daleo 
You’ve always been told to balance all the things in your life better. However, as you begin to try and balance all the things and busyness of your life, you come to realize that balancing is a lot of work. So this year we’re going to do something different. Instead of working hard to balance things in our lives, we’re going to find a rhythm in them. Finding a rhythm in life makes things flow better. Of all the things that keep us busy and on the go in our lives, the one thing we can never get a hold on is rest. This year let’s find the rhythm in the most important things in life. Work, Worship and Rest.
Sermon: Job Profile
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Imagine having to create a job profile for yourself and you’re a young teenager. What are the things that you’ve really accomplished by that age? Now consider the fact that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was only a teenage girl. What an assignment at such a young age. Why did God choose her? How would she handle it all? What did the angel Gabriel say to her to help her through this? Find out these answers and more in our final installment of the series, “Conversations with an Angel.”
Sermon: Dilemma to Destiny
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Did you ever consider that the dilemma you’re facing in your life now, could be leading you to your destiny? There are many examples in the bible of people facing issues and dilemmas, but where did it lead them to? Is it possible that if we follow Jesus’s lead that our trials can become our testimonies? That our very own dilemmas can lead us to our destiny? The destiny in which God is already ahead of you preparing. Join us this week as we look at Joseph’s conversation with an angel and see where it leads him.
Sermon: Seeing Is Believing 
Pastor Nick Daleo 
In the next three weeks leading up to Christmas, we will be listening in on some amazing conversations. Eves dropping if you will. Our new series, “Conversations with an Angel,” will highlight some of the well-known figures in the Christmas story and their conversations with angels. This week we look at the shepherds and find out for them, “Seeing Is Believing.”
Sermon: Trash Talker
Pastor Nick Daleo 
What is the Apostle Paul up to as we end out this series? He seems to be extremely confident in the things and direction that he’s been giving. In these final passages it’s almost like he’s trash talking to someone or something. Well, as we examine the end of this amazing chapter (Romans 8) that’s exactly what we see. However, Paul’s trash talking becomes an encouragement to build our lives on. How can Paul do this with a clear conscience? Because Paul, like you and I, know the end of the story. Join us for this very powerful ending to our series “Separation Anxiety.”
Sermon: Care Package
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Life is full of up’s and downs. Sometimes it’s just hard to comprehend. How could I be on such a high one day and down in the dumps the next? Why would God allow such a great thing to happen in my life last week, but this week is filled with a painful experience? You ever felt that way? There’s a promise from God that the Apostle Paul fully understood and shared with us in scripture. God is always in control and He cares for you more then you’ll ever know. Even in those hard times. Join us for the sermon “Care Package.”
Sermon: Acceptance Speech
Joe Faraldi
Have you ever felt that you’re not enough? That no matter what you do, you don’t feel accepted? If you’re living according to the world then no, you won’t. But God…says differently.
Sermon: The Best Is Yet To Come
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Does the future give you anxiety? Is life throwing things at you that make you wonder how this is all going to end up? Between raising kids in a crazy, confused society to world events, is there a way to lessen the worry? What if I told you God not only understands but has a promise for us to ease our minds. God’s promise to you and I is that “The Best Is Yet To Come”.
Sermon: A Selfless Spirit
Pastor Nick Daleo 
What would be the thing that you’re known for? What would people say about you when you’re not around them? Would it look like the self-centered me, me, me attitude or would it look different? Those who are known for serving others are known for the opposite of self-centered. Those who serve are known for being selfless. Today we celebrate our local community of servants. Join us for our first annual “First Responders” Sunday.
Sermon: The Family Fortune
Ron Fryson
What does it mean to be born or adopted into a family; to become an heir and receive an inheritance? As we continue our series, “Separation Anxiety” in Romans 8, we take a look at what it means to be born again into the family of God and become joint heirs with Christ.
Sermon: Daddy Issues
Pastor Nick Daleo 
If we’re honest, we’d have to admit the we all have some form of daddy issues, right? This gets confusing because the Bible instructs us to live a life pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Even though the Bible teaches us to honor our parents, we can’t actually say that we yearn to live a life pleasing to our earthly parents. That’s where we get stuck. Paul shows us the difference when it comes to living out a life pleasing to God. Once we grasp this, we’ll never have daddy issues with God again.
Sermon: A Pep in Your Step
Pastor Nick Daleo 
“I see you’ve got a new pep in your step. What’s that all about?” Has anyone ever asked you that question? If your walking with Jesus they should. At some point you’ll realize that the love God has for you in this life cannot go away. No matter what you do or where you go. Knowing that should give us a new way to walk with a pep in our step. In the next six weeks we are going to be looking at one chapter in the Bible. A book that you can spend your entire life studying and still never reach the depths of its spiritual guidance and all that it has to offer for living out the Christian faith. Join us for a study in one of the richest chapters in all of scripture, Romans 8.
Sermon: The Secret Sauce of Success
Pastor Nick Daleo 
As we close out this series, “American Idols,” we come to the idol of success. Is it possible to be successful without making it an idol? We all know it’s easy to be content when success is on your side, but can you be content when it’s not? Let’s learn from someone in the Bible who knew both success and failures, yet still managed to find contentment and not make their success or failures an idol.
Sermon: Stolen Identity
Pastor Nick Daleo 
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Does what you see define who you are? Whether you see yourself in a negative way or a positive way we have the ability to make our identity an idol. When you put what you or others think about you ahead of what God says about you, you’ve made you an idol. You don’t define who you are, God does and don’t ever let anyone or this world steal it from you.
Sermon: But, I Want That!
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Would you consider yourself a greedy person? Probably not because when you hear the word “greed” you automatically think of money. What if being greedy wasn’t just about money? What if the idol of greed has gotten a hold of you in other ways? Things like stuff and belongings. This week, let’s hear straight from Jesus in an example of this type of greed as we take a look at our next “American Idol.”
Sermon: Don't Settle for Less
Pastor Nick Daleo 
In the first week of our new series, “American Idols”, we take a hard look at some of the things we idolize in our lives. Idols are not just some ancient statues to worship. They are disguised as everyday things today. Our kids, success, control, approval and of course pleasure. We will come to learn that anything we put before God, is an idol. When we do that we settle for less. Enjoy the sermon, “Don’t Settle for Less”.

Sermon: PGC 3rd Anniversary
Pastor Nick Daleo 
One of the greatest examples of a letter written to a church to encourage and strengthen them, was written by the Apostle Paul. What better way to spend our time together today than to be encouraged by the man who knew about the ups and downs and struggles of the local church. It’s here, where we will find praise and encouragement today.
Praise for the things God has accomplished in His church. Encouragement for the future of His church.
Sermon: The Issue of Assumption
Pastor Nick Daleo 
As you get older, life seems to move by at an incredible pace. Also, as you get older, you realize just how little control you have about what tomorrow will bring. So how can we plan for tomorrow if we don’t know what tomorrow will bring? We can’t predict the future but we can put our trust in the one who knows the future. When we get ourselves in trouble is when we assume we’re in control of tomorrow. Join us this week for “The Issue of Assumption.”
Sermon: Kid Ego
Pastor Nick Daleo 
Did you know that you develop an ego as a child? There’s a lot of things we learn as children but an ego is never one that I thought of before. Well, we do. Maybe you’ve always been told that pride is the killer of your faith, and for sure it could be, but it’s so easy to say we’re not prideful. On the contrary you can’t say you don’t have an ego. We all do. I didn’t say it was inflated or bad but we all have one. The question is does your ego stop you from living out your faith? Join us this week for the sermon “Kid Ego.”
Sermon: Stop Fighting Already!
Pastor Nick Daleo 
What causes our fighting and arguing? We are a people and a society as a whole that argue and fight all of the time. People fight and argue about everything now a days. In this sermon “Stop Fighting Already!”, James asks the question why and then gives us a deep answer. An answer that we ought to pay close attention so we can be a better people. A more Godly people.
Sermon: Troublemaker
Pastor Nick Daleo
Our words have power! But are we using that power to lift others up or to destroy them? Our tongues, mouths, and whatever we are speaking has the power of life and death. Join us this week as we learn how to put our troublemaker ,our tongues, to good use.
Sermon: Dead or Alive
Pastor Nick Daleo
Can a dead faith save you? James is going straight to the point this week as we continue our series “My Brother James.” Is your faith just lip service or are you really living out a faith that’s alive and vibrant? Join us this week and together let’s put our faith through the test to make sure our faith is alive and kicking.
Sermon: The Real VIP's
Pastor Nick Daleo
How do you decide how you’re going to treat people? By their economic status? By what town they live in? By what schools they went to? By what country they were born in? What if I told you that God’s word says none of that matters at all. That all people are to be treated equally. That showing favoritism and partiality to anyone is a sin. Yes, anyone. Do your beliefs control your behavior? They should according to the gospel. Join us for a study in James 2 to find out more.
Sermon: Words Into Actions
Pastor Nick Daleo
God’s word is surely alive, BUT it doesn’t do it’s job unless you put Gods word into action in your life. Far too often we hear sermons, listen to podcasts, attend bible studies and read our own bibles. Then we sit and wonder why do our lives never really seem to change. As we finish out James chapter 1, he will remind us to ask ourselves an important question when we feel this way. Did I activate the word of God in my life, or did I just merely listen to it?
Sermon: What is With Your Family?
Pastor Nick Daleo
Have you ever wondered what people mean by “church family”? If it is a church family, shouldn’t it look different then my blood family? Why  does it seem, from the outside, to have some of the same issues as my family does? What is the common bond that makes a church be able to use the word family? To answer these questions and more join us for this special sermon “What’s With your Family?”
Sermon: Predicting the Future
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our final week of the Power of Potential series we’re going to learn to predict the future. That’s right predict the future, (well your future anyway). God’s word will get very specific for us as we close out this series by helping us predict what lies ahead for our lives. Would you like to know? Then don’t miss this Sunday.
Sermon: Don't Quit
Pastor Nick Daleo
Have you ever just wanted to quit your faith? Things became too much you weren’t getting out of it what you wanted? We’ve all been there. BUT, can you trust God that he has a plan for you? If you can, then you can learn to run your own race and run it strong knowing what God has in store for you. Join us for the sermon “Don’t Quit!” this weekend and let’s discover how together.
Sermon: One Step at a Time
Pastor Nick Daleo
No one wakes up one morning and says “today I’m going to get myself into a serious, troublesome situation”. No one plans to start these paths in our lives, but yet they happen.  How?  Why?  Have you ever gotten yourself into something just to one day turn around and say “How did get here?”
Sermon: Prayer and Potential
Pastor Nick Daleo
We’ve been looking over the last several weeks on some applicable things to change in our lives, to reach the potential that God has put inside of each one of us. We can never overlook the role that prayer plays in our lives when it comes to God revealing stuff to us. Stuff like our potential.
Sermon: Help I'm Stuck
Pastor Nick Daleo
We all have dreams about reaching our full potential in life. However, it seems that at some point we get stuck trying to reach it. Whether it’s life, laziness or you’re just in a rut you can’t seem to get out of.  If God has designed you then who better to turn to when it comes to reaching your full potential. Join us for the sermon “Help I’m Stuck” as we kick off our new series “The Power of Potential”.
Sermon: Protection in His Presence
Pastor Nick Daleo
Life tends to be a rollercoaster of calm times and stormy times. Where can you go for protection from it all? Not so much physical protection but protection for your heart, soul and mind. Listen to this sermon to help you understand that we have protection in the presence of God. And always remember that God will not put you in a battle that he didn’t already prepare you to fight.
Sermon: Fill in the Blank
Pastor Nick Daleo
WHY… Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Couldn’t God have found another way? If He’s God can’t He have done anything different than sacrificing His own son? In this sermon we will unpack that there really was no other way. It had to be this way.
Sermon: A Gentle Soul
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our final grouping of fruits of the spirit we find a couple of words that we seem to have lost over the years. Specifically gentleness and self-control. How did this happen? How did we get to be such an angry society? For followers of Jesus this is the opposite of the attitude we’re supposed to have. In our final week of this “level Up” series find out where the powers lies to turn this all around.
Sermon: The Power of Patience
Pastor Nick Daleo
We have become a society of instant gratification. While it’s a convenient lifestyle, we may have lost the ability to have patience along the way. In our second group of fruits of the spirit we look at how we’re to be treating others. We’re going to be focusing on patience because if we learn to have patience with others then kindness and goodness will follow.
Sermon: Where's the Evidence?
Pastor Nick Daleo
What is the evidence of a life lived well? I mean, you can’t just say you’re doing well and great! There has to be some evidence, right? Anyone can claim they are good, but where is the evidence? When you are growing up in your faith you are also producing fruit. Fruit that is good and healthy and exudes great qualities. If you’re living out a life like that, you’ll never have to tell anyone. It will be just evidence of a life well lived for Jesus.
Sermon: It's Time To Grow Up
Pastor Nick Daleo
Does the amount of time you’ve been a believer in Jesus add up to how strong your faith is? If you’re a new believer did you know that there’s so much more for you than just believing in Jesus? If you’re just looking into your faith did you know that the growth process is how you move into your best life ever? Join us for part 1 of the series “Level Up”. Let’s learn together what it takes to level up our faith, no matter where you are in your journey.
Sermon: Re-Vision Relevant
Pastor Nick Daleo
Does the Jesus of the Bible have any relevance on your life and the society you live in now, or is the Bible just an outdated book of stories that doesn’t have any real function in today’s world? We believe that not only is God’s word relevant for today but it’s essential in living out your best life. That’s why being a relevant church is one of our core values. Join us for our final week of our Re-Vision series.
Sermon: Re-Vision Refreshing
Pastor Nick Daleo
Don’t you just wish that you had a refresh button for life somedays? Those days when you throw up your hands and say “I’ve had enough, and need to start over.” The truth is everyone has that refresh button available to them. It beings with a relationship with Jesus and then you tap into His refreshing words, which then refreshes you where you need it most; your soul. Because of this we at PGC have “refreshing” as one of our core values. Find out why, in this second part of our Re-Vison series.
Sermon: Re-Vision Mission
Pastor Nick Daleo
The church has done a good job over the years of taking the simple good news of Jesus, and complicating it. Different denominations, different church way of handling scripture and seemingly different rules for all of the above. As we push into this new season at Proving Ground Church we are presenting our Re- Vision. Where is God taking us, and what is our part. Are we doing everything to allow people to have a real encounter with a very real Jesus? Are we doing everything we can to keep the gospel simple, and obtainable for everyone? The answer for us will always be YES!!!
Sermon: Attitude Adjustment
Pastor Nick Daleo
There are times in our lives when we all know we can use an attitude adjustment. Paul in his letter to the Philippian church not only spells out what it looks like to have a good attitude, but also where our inspiration for our attitude comes from. Why is this so important? Because a bad attitude gives a false impression of the good news of Jesus. A good attitude lets the world see Jesus for who He really is.
Sermon: The Purpose of Courage
Pastor Nick Daleo
Could you use a halftime, pep talk from God in your life? Of course you could. From time to time in our lives we all can use one. In today’s sermon “The Purpose of Courage” we find God speaking to Joshua. Giving him a pep talk about moving into his purpose. What we will come to find through Gods pep talk today is that even though we may feel afraid and discouraged, those things don’t have to identify who we are. Joshua learns a valuable lesson on how to be courageous even when the odds are stacked up against him. What a life lesson for you and I.
Sermon: A Habit of Trust
Pastor Nick Daleo
Are you tired of starting off the new year being the same old you? Especially after you promised yourself this year would be different? If you want things to change this year regarding your faith, then it’s time to focus on a new habit for 2023. Make trust your new habit. Make it a habit to trust in Jesus in all the areas of your life, and not just on Sunday mornings. When you make that a habit, you can guarantee that this year you will not stay the same old you.
Sermon: What God Has Done Part Two
Pastor Nick Daleo
Part two of our special sermon series as we continue to look back on all that God has done through His people and His church.
Sermon: What God Has Done Part One
Pastor Nick Daleo
Part one of our special sermon series as we look back on all that God has done through His people and His church.
Sermon: Light of the World
John 1:1-14
Pastor Nick Daleo
After 400 years of silence, God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to be the light in a darkened world and the hope of a new beginning for everyone. We all need the light of Jesus in our lives because when you walk with Jesus, there is nothing that can stand in your way. This Christmas season, remember that the best gift you could ever receive is the gift of a relationship with Jesus; the light of the world.
Sermon: The Gateway Season
John 1:14
Pastor Nick Daleo
Charlie Brown got his answer to the big question “What is the Christmas season really all about” with a reading from Luke 2:8-14. It’s a great section of verse to tell some of the story, but does it really answer the question? In the sermon we turn “The Christmas Season into “The Gateway Season” with one verse. John 1:14 gives us a deeper understanding of the baby in the manger. That baby (Jesus) is God taking on human form to be with us and draw near to us. It’s the gateway season to everything for us.
Sermon:Open Up!
Luke 1:39-45
Pastor Nick Daleo
I think we can all agree that sometimes we can be so focused in our own little bubbles that we fail to see what’s going on around us. We walk around with horse blinders on and stay trapped in our own situations and dysfunction. It’s time to open up our eyes and ears and see what God is doing all around us. That’s what Mary and Elizabeth did when they met up to see the proof that the angel gave to them. When they, did they both realized that God’s word was about to come to life right before their eyes.
Sermon:The Waymaker
Exodus 2:1-10
Pastor Nick Daleo
Is it possible that God has been making a way for you, your whole life? Has He been lining up all the seemingly small details to get you to where you are today? There’s a key component if you are looking for God to be a waymaker in your life today. It’s time to take a step of faith and watch God clear the path for you. Join us as we look at the birth of Moses, and see how God cleared a path for him.
Sermon:Worth The Wait
Genesis 21:1-7
Pastor Nick Daleo
There's that uncomfortable feeling while you're waiting for something to happen in your life. Especially when it comes to the things that you know God has promised you. The question is what will you do while you wait? Will you take matters into your own hands to move it along? Or will you wait on God? God is the God of the impossible and He's worth the wait.
Sermon: Dinner Plans
Luke 5:27-31
Pastor Nick Daleo
What’s your dinner plans? Jesus wasn’t afraid to sit, relax and share a meal with those who needed Him most. Sure He took heat for it, but in His own words He says “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor it’s the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance”. So, who’s at your dinner table?
Sermon: Why Are You Afraid?
Mark 3:20-27
Pastor Nick Daleo
In this week’s message Jesus receives a criticism that ultimately accuses Him of partnering with the devil. They can’t figure Jesus out. They don’t know what religious box to put Him in. So He must be bad. Jesus goes on to show them that not only am I the picture of the ultimate good side but I’m more powerful than any foe that’s out there. Living out the famous verse. “Greater is He that is in me then He that is in the world.”
Sermon: Miracle To Message
John 5:1-18
Pastor Nick Daleo
Jesus heals a man who’s been hoping for a miracle for 38 years. While the miracle itself is amazing it’s also amazing that the religious people were more worried about what day He did it on instead of the actual miracle. Well as usual this miracle brings some criticism down on Jesus, but He uses it as an opportunity to let them in on a little secret. I am the son of God and when I want to heal the broken I don’t ask what day it is, I just do it.
Sermon: The Pride Button
Matthew 9:14-18
Pastor Nick Daleo
In week 1 of our new series “Criticizing Jesus”, we watch as Jesus handles his first of many criticisms.  How will he react? Will He react like we do one someone hit’s our pride button? Of course not. So let’s dive and together and watch Jesus respond with His purpose and not his pride.
Sermon: Forget Your Past
Joshua 2
Pastor Nick Daleo
Your past and your struggles will never determine what God can do through you. God can take any mess of a person He wants and use them to do amazing things through them, all for His glory. Even you. Yes,You.
Sermon:Fighting Giants
1 Samuel 17
Pastor Nick Daleo
The story of David and Goliath reveals that God can use the smallest and least likely people to bring about his will. But here's a news flash for you...David the boy didn't kill Goliath. It was God working through him that did. Can you get yourself into position for God to use you to do the impossible?
Sermon: Common Thread
2 Corinthians 5:14

Pastor Nick Daleo
Join us for this special missions day sermon. Discover what our common thread is a believers in Christ when it comes to reaching out into the world.
Sermon: Radiate
Acts 2:42-47
Pastor Nick Daleo

As we move into our 3rd full year of ministry we want to be a church that radiates the attributes if Jesus. Join us this week as we take a look back on how Gods word spoke to use this last year.
Sermon: TheAnchor
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Pastor Nick Daleo

Whether or not we admit it, most churchgoers have a “church crush”: a church we look at and think, “Wow. Now, that’s how you do church.” The tendency to look at another church across town or online and think it has to be better than our local church is more than common. This quick, three-week dive into 1 Corinthians will dispel the myth of the perfect church and help us find joy in being part of the family that makes up our home church.
Sermon: The Danger of Division
1 Corinthians 1:10-13
Pastor Nick Daleo

Whether or not we admit it, most churchgoers have a “church crush”: a church we look at and think, “Wow. Now, that’s how you do church.” The tendency to look at another church across town or online and think it has to be better than our local church is more than common. This quick, three-week dive into 1 Corinthians will dispel the myth of the perfect church and help us find joy in being part of the family that makes up our home church.
Sermon: Who Do You Follow?
Matthew 16:24
Pastor Nick Daleo

Whether or not we admit it, most churchgoers have a “church crush”: a church we look at and think, “Wow. Now, that’s how you do church.” The tendency to look at another church across town or online and think it has to be better than our local church is more than common. This quick, three-week dive into 1 Corinthians will dispel the myth of the perfect church and help us find joy in being part of the family that makes up our home church.
Sermon: A New Set of Skills
Nehemiah 4
Pastor Nick Daleo

This six-week sermon series over the book of Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Despite hardship and pain, the people of Israel saw firsthand how God fulfilled his promises spoken to Jeremiah during the exile. Then, the series draws out the ways God invites all of us to participate in building his kingdom.
Sermon:Why Church?
Nehemiah 2-3
Pastor Nick Daleo

This six-week sermon series over the book of Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Despite hardship and pain, the people of Israel saw firsthand how God fulfilled his promises spoken to Jeremiah during the exile. Then, the series draws out the ways God invites all of us to participate in building his kingdom.
Sermon: Servant of Change
Nehemiah 2
Pastor Nick Daleo

This six-week sermon series over the book of Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Despite hardship and pain, the people of Israel saw firsthand how God fulfilled his promises spoken to Jeremiah during the exile. Then, the series draws out the ways God invites all of us to participate in building his kingdom.
Sermon: What to do with a Broken Heart
Nehemiah 1
Pastor Nick Daleo

This six-week sermon series over the book of Nehemiah tells the story of Israel’s rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Despite hardship and pain, the people of Israel saw firsthand how God fulfilled his promises spoken to Jeremiah during the exile. Then, the series draws out the ways God invites all of us to participate in building his kingdom.
Sermon: Bully to Believer
Acts 8-9
Pastor Nick Daleo

This single-week sermon looks at Paul the apostle’s conversion story. From persecutor of the early church to one of the greatest figures in the faith, Paul’s story is an incredible testimony of God’s powerful and redeeming love. It also proves the truth that no one is out of reach of the grace and mercy of God.
Sermon: Facing Your Failures
Matthew 26
Pastor Nick Daleo
This series explores how Christians can “fail forward” in life. Through understanding sanctification, the need to acknowledge brokenness, and how to forgive other believers, we can learn to grow from failure.
Sermon: Striving Towards the Goal
Philippians 3:12-16
Pastor Nick Daleo
This series explores how Christians can “fail forward” in life. Through understanding sanctification, the need to acknowledge brokenness, and how to forgive other believers, we can learn to grow from failure.
Sermon: Battle Plans
Pastor Nick Daleo
This series explores how Christians can “fail forward” in life. Through understanding sanctification, the need to acknowledge brokenness, and how to forgive other believers, we can learn to grow from failure.
Sermon: How Free Do You Want To Be?
Galatians 3:24-29
Pastor Nick Daleo

Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is perhaps one of the most important letters for the church. In this new series we will look at its importance and relevance for our faith and life today. Specifically, we will look at the sweeping vision of grace that Paul lays for us.
Sermon: Let's Make A Deal
Galatians 3:15-18
Pastor Nick Daleo

Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is perhaps one of the most important letters for the church. In this new series we will look at its importance and relevance for our faith and life today. Specifically, we will look at the sweeping vision of grace that Paul lays for us.
Sermon: Are We Alright
Galatians 2:15-21
Pastor Nick Daleo

Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is perhaps one of the most important letters for the church. In this new series we will look at its importance and relevance for our faith and life today. Specifically, we will look at the sweeping vision of grace that Paul lays for us.
Sermon: Don't Be Deceived
Galatians 1:1-9
Pastor Nick Daleo

Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is perhaps one of the most important letters for the church. In this new series we will look at its importance and relevance for our faith and life today. Specifically, we will look at the sweeping vision of grace that Paul lays for us.
Sermon: Your Hope Is Alive
Pastor Nick Daleo

In this series "Expressway to Easter" we examine the road that became an expressway to the cross. This road leads to the final week of Jesus's earthly ministry. Join us as we spend 4 weeks breaking down the events of Palm Sunday.
Sermon: The Reaction of Jesus
Luke 19:41-44
Pastor Nick Daleo

In this series "Expressway to Easter" we examine the road that became an expressway to the cross. This road leads to the final week of Jesus's earthly ministry. Join us as we spend 4 weeks breaking down the events of Palm Sunday.
Sermon: Here Coms the King
John 12:17-19
Pastor Nick Daleo

In this series "Expressway to Easter" we examine the road that became an expressway to the cross. This road leads to the final week of Jesus's earthly ministry. Join us as we spend 4 weeks breaking down the events of Palm Sunday.
Sermon: What's Your Opinion
Matthew 21:4-5
Pastor Nick Daleo

In this series "Expressway to Easter" we examine the road that became an expressway to the cross. This road leads to the final week of Jesus's earthly ministry. Join us as we spend 4 weeks breaking down the events of Palm Sunday.
Sermon: The Assignment
Matthew 21:1-11
Pastor Nick Daleo

In this series "Expressway to Easter" we examine the road that became an expressway to the cross. This road leads to the final week of Jesus's earthly ministry. Join us as we spend 4 weeks breaking down the events of Palm Sunday.
Sermon: Multiply and Magnify
Acts 6:1-7
Pastor Nick Daleo
When you ask someone what they think about the church, be prepared for any response. What they say may inspire feelings of anger, sadness, joy, or hope, depending on what they have experienced in their dealings with believers. In our series Our House we take a look at how God's word says we should be operating, and put Our House to the test.
Sermon: Simplified Faith
Matthew 22:33-40
Pastor Nick Daleo
When you ask someone what they think about the church, be prepared for any response. What they say may inspire feelings of anger, sadness, joy, or hope, depending on what they have experienced in their dealings with believers. In our series Our House we take a look at how God's word says we should be operating, and put Our House to the test.
Sermon: We Are One
Ephesians 4:1-6
Pastor Nick Daleo
When you ask someone what they think about the church, be prepared for any response. What they say may inspire feelings of anger, sadness, joy, or hope, depending on what they have experienced in their dealings with believers. In our series Our House we take a look at how God's word says we should be operating, and put Our House to the test.
Sermon: The Power of Compassion
Matthew 9:35-38
Pastor Nick Daleo
When you ask someone what they think about the church, be prepared for any response. What they say may inspire feelings of anger, sadness, joy, or hope, depending on what they have experienced in their dealings with believers. In our series Our House we take a look at how God's word says we should be operating, and put Our House to the test.
Sermon: I Just Don't Understand!
Proverbs 3:13
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our new series Waze to Be Wise, we're diving into God's quick nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.
Are hope is that not only that we learn them together, but to put them into action in our daily lives.
Sermon: Raise 'Em Up
Proverbs 22:6
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our new series Waze to Be Wise, we're diving into God's quick nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.
Are hope is that not only that we learn them together, but to put them into action in our daily lives.
Sermon: Anger Management
Proverbs 14:29
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our new series Waze to Be Wise, we're diving into God's quick nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.
Are hope is that not only that we learn them together, but to put them into action in our daily lives.
Sermon: Caught In A Trap
Proverbs 29:25
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our new series Waze to Be Wise, we're diving into God's quick nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.
Are hope is that not only that we learn them together, but to put them into action in our daily lives.
Sermon: A Generous Life
Proverbs 11:24-25
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our new series Waze to Be Wise, we're diving into God's quick nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.
Are hope is that not only that we learn them together, but to put them into action in our daily lives.
Sermon: Better Days are Coming
Proverbs 3:1-2
Pastor Nick Daleo
In our new series Waze to Be Wise, we're diving into God's quick nuggets of wisdom from the book of Proverbs.
Are hope is that not only that we learn them together, but to put them into action in our daily lives.
Sermon: Let's Turn the Page
2 Corinthians 5:17
Pastor Nick Daleo
How can you turn the page in to this next season if the weight of the things of last season still weight you down?
Find out the answer from God's word, today.
Sermon: Looking Back to Look Forward
1 Samuel 7:12
Pastor Nick Daleo
We have been changed in this past year by God's grace in both challenging and joyful ways. Remembering these things will empower us to move into this next year. We celebrate these things, we give thanks and we teach our children and others to do the same.
Sermon: Re-Discovering Christmas: LOVE
1 John 4:7-16
Pastor Nick Daleo
Sometimes in life we can lose focus and forget how things used to be.
But Christmas is one of those holidays that you always seem to loss how it used to be. Usually we’re all very wrapped up in shopping, gift giving, travel, meal planning and running at 1000 miles an hour to get it all done before the big day. Now more than ever we need to re-discover Christmas.
Sermon: Re-Discovering Christmas: JOY
Luke 1
Pastor Nick Daleo
Sometimes in life we can lose focus and forget how things used to be.
But Christmas is one of those holidays that you always seem to loss how it used to be. Usually we’re all very wrapped up in shopping, gift giving, travel, meal planning and running at 1000 miles an hour to get it all done before the big day. Now more than ever we need to re-discover Christmas.
Sermon: Re-Discovering Christmas: PEACE
Luke 2:8-20
Pastor Nick Daleo
Sometimes in life we can lose focus and forget how things used to be.
But Christmas is one of those holidays that you always seem to loss how it used to be. Usually we’re all very wrapped up in shopping, gift giving, travel, meal planning and running at 1000 miles an hour to get it all done before the big day. Now more than ever we need to re-discover Christmas.
Sermon: Re-Discovering Christmas: HOPE
Luke 2:22-38
Pastor Nick Daleo
Sometimes in life we can lose focus and forget how things used to be.
But Christmas is one of those holidays that you always seem to loss how it used to be. Usually we’re all very wrapped up in shopping, gift giving, travel, meal planning and running at 1000 miles an hour to get it all done before the big day. Now more than ever we need to re-discover Christmas.
Sermon: Mountaintop Experience
Mark 9:1-13
Pastor Ken Carlson
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: Good News Bad news
Mark 8:27-33
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: 20/20 Vision
Mark 7:31, 8:26
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: I Know Who You Are
Mark 7:24-30
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: It's a Matter of heart
Mark 7:14-23
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: Traditions and Truths
Mark 7:1-13
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: Tested!
Mark 6:45-52
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: Warning Signs
Mark 6:14-29
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: Keep It Simple
Mark 6:7-13
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: Rejection
Mark 6:1-6
Pastor Nick Daleo
In the new series we jump back into the Gospel of Mark. Jesus is prepping His followers for the next battle. I mean, we are in a battle, aren't we? Let's train together in this series "Let's Get Ready to Rumble".
Sermon: God Said GO
Pastor Nick Daleo
Join us on this special Sunday as we look back and celebrate all that God has done in our first full year.
Sermon: Relationship vs Acquaintance
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: What's at Your Center? - PSALM 16
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: The Battle of Discouragement - PSALM 10
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: The Power of Love - PSALM 18:1-3
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: The Architect - PSALM 127
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: Don't Stop the Praise - PSALM 150
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: How To Be Happy - PSALM 1
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: It's Not So Bad - PSALM 3
Pastor Nick Daleo
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.
Sermon: Psalm 23
Pastor Ken Carlson
The book of Psalms highlights all the emotions of life. From the highest of high to the lowest of lows. Join us this summer as we learn how God’s people used these Psalms to get through it all.

Sermon: Build It Strong
Pastor Nick Daleo
Join us for a special Father's Day message.
Sermon: Cast Your Cares
Pastor Nick Daleo
Far too many people walk around carrying excess baggage from years of mistakes, hurt, pain and bad choices. In Jesus, there is no condemnation for our past miscues because we have been given grace. It’s time to unpack all the worthless weight we have been lugging around and learn to live free. Excess Baggage is a 3-week sermon series that will empower and encourage us to leave the past behind and move confidently into the future.
Sermon: A New Thing
Pastor Nick Daleo
Far too many people walk around carrying excess baggage from years of mistakes, hurt, pain and bad choices. In Jesus, there is no condemnation for our past miscues because we have been given grace. It’s time to unpack all the worthless weight we have been lugging around and learn to live free. Excess Baggage is a 3-week sermon series that will empower and encourage us to leave the past behind and move confidently into the future.
Sermon: Let It Go
Pastor Nick Daleo
Far too many people walk around carrying excess baggage from years of mistakes, hurt, pain and bad choices. In Jesus, there is no condemnation for our past miscues because we have been given grace. It’s time to unpack all the worthless weight we have been lugging around and learn to live free. Excess Baggage is a 3-week sermon series that will empower and encourage us to leave the past behind and move confidently into the future.