Support Groups

PGC has a variety of support right under our own roof.

Step out in faith and find a group to get the support you need and to give support others who share in your struggles. There is strength in numbers.

Alcoholics Anonymous

PGC AA meetings are held every Wednesday afternoon at 1pm. For more information about what AA is all about, please call 800-245-1377 or email to get connected to our group here at PGC.

MomCo at PGC

Local Moms of all walks of life join together on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 10am to support each other and build their "village." For more information visit our MomCo Page or email

Grief Share

Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is invited to our safe environment providing support, encouragement, and understanding. This group meets on Monday evenings at 6pm and provides useful tips to help you cope. For more information or to sign up use the link below.