
Grief Share
Anyone who has experienced the loss of a child, spouse, parent or loved one is invited to our safe environment providing support, encouragement, and understanding. This group meets on Monday evenings at 6pm and provides useful tips to help you cope. Each meeting within our 12 week sessions will feature a new coping mechanism so new friends are welcome at any time and will not have to wait for a new session to start up.
Email our Care Director for more information.


PGC Women's Bible Study
Miracles of Jesus
While Jesus was here on Earth, He performed amazing miracles like calming a storm, healing the blind, and much more. Join us as we take a look at many of these miracles found in scripture. No registration or books are required for this study, so join us any Tuesday morning at 10am for some fellowship and to dive into God's Word.


AA Meeting
PGC AA meetings are held every Wednesday afternoon at 1pm. For more information about what AA is all about, please call 800-245-1377 or email us to get connected to our group here at PGC.
MomCo Meetup
We are giving thanks to the Moms, no matter where you are in your motherhood journey! We have an open seat just for you! This month, we are getting hands on with an activity that explores the true meaning of hospitality, how we communicate,, and our experience with others. Bring a friend, invite a neighbor, and we will see you there!





We can't wait to see you at 10am for our Sunday service!
New friends and families are always welcome!